- Cropping system research.
- Organic farming.
- Water harvesting and conservation.
- Water shed management.
- Natural resource management.
- Crop-weather relationship.
- Seed technology, multiplication, certification and processing.
- Mushroom production and preservation.
- Honey production and processing.
- Medicinal and aromatic plants.
- Post harvest management, sorting , grading, storage, and packaging.
- Bio-pesticides.
- Sericulture.
- Poultry production and management.
- Soil and water quality testing.
- Since farmers are the key stakeholders in all the activities relating to agriculture,they should be actively involved and consulted in all the issues andpolicy making.There is a need for the society to sensitize about the likely effects of environment of environment on agriculture and related areas in the time to come,so that they pro-actively involve themselves in the adaptation and mitigation strategies.
- Country in general and state of Jammu And kashmir need to maintain the graph of of farm-output in the areas of Agriculture,horticulture,Animal Husbandry,Forestry,Floriculture etc;What is imperative for the society is to be closely associated with the stakeholders at all the levels and merge with them as one unit,family and community at large.
- To analyse & examine the prevailing system of post harvest losses of the farm-output and suggest remedial measures to arrest these huge losses,estimated to be around 25 % and even more.This shall help in achieveing not only self sufficiency but economic boost as well.
- Soil fertility has been considered in the past in the restricted sense as an index of available nutrients for the plants,but the modern usage cannotes the capacity of the soil to produce crops of economic importance and also maintain the soil health for future use.thus any system of management of soil fertility will ultimately consider all the aspects of soil-water-plant relationship as well as environmental imperatives.
- Therefore,the Society(GREEN SCAN CONSULTANTS) have to play a pivotal role to educate and undertake the under standing process of soil health,fertility status,cropping system,nutrient depletion,water quality,water use efficiency and other related problems together with other constraint factors of production.It is also necessary to understand that farmers are reluctantly using fertilizers because of numerous factors viz;poor purchasing power;timely availability;higher price;and even when they make use of fertilizers,it is being done with out any regard to soil and crop needs,disproportionate ratio,inadequate ratio,inadequate application,choice of fertilizer,time,placement and method of use.
- It is therefore,imperative for the society to create awareness and develop skills in order to take a lead role to train manpower about the latest innovations those have been developed over the period of time to make whole agriculture innovatve,modern and attractive.The society also aims to address all the details for enhancement of production & productivity to be provided to indiviual and/or group of farmers in a mission mode with an aim of acceleration of farmers income and generation of skilled manpower.